Category: Configuration

  • I want to allow submission of images for specific channel only.

    This is possible starting from Wise Chat Pro 3.6.1. First you need to enable “Create Channels” option for your user role in Channels section of Wise Chat Pro Settings page. Then please navigate to the chat page and add a new channel using plus icon near the channels list: Create either public or private channel.…

  • How to give other users (or user roles) a permission to configure the chat?

    By default Wise Chat Pro Settings page is available to Administrator role only. However, you may need to grant the configuration permission to other user roles or users. All you have to do is add manage_wise_chat_pro_options capability to user role (or user) you want to give configuration permission to. User Role Editor is a plugin…

  • Is there a way to have a different chatroom for each post?

    Yes, it is possible, but requires a little PHP coding and a minimal WordPress knowledge. First, you have to find which post types you wish to handle. A post type that represents regular blog entries is named “post”, for regular pages it is: “page”. For custom post types please ask authors of your theme. Prepare…

  • How to adjust the look and feel to match my theme?

    Some part of the appearance may be adjusted on Wise Chat Pro Settings page, but these options are very limited. For much greater flexibility please use CSS. Every part of the chat’s interface has a proper class starting with “wc*”. It may be easily used to adjust the appearance.

  • Does it run on my server or yours?

    Wise Chat plugins run entirely on your server and use resources on your server only. There is no connection between Wise Chat and our servers. No data is transferred outside your site. Moreover, Wise Chat plugins rely on your database only. All chat messages and users are there.

  • How to send a message in PHP?

    In order to send a message in your PHP code please use the function below. Here is a version of the same logic, but for an older version of Wise Chat Pro (lower than 3.6):

  • How to specify an exclusive list of users who have access to the chat?

    Sometimes you would like to make the chat accessible for certain users exclusively. This can be configured via shortcode, but first you have to get IDs of the users. Then please use them in the shortocode: 1,2,3 – these are the IDs of the users.

  • How to add the chat to all posts?

    Please locate the root folder of your theme. It is usually in /wp-content/themes/THEMENAME and edit single post template file. In most cases it is single.php file, but it may differ depending on theme. Add the following code inside the main loop: echo do_shortcode(‘ Chat Loading the chat … ‘); This will open “Post #ID channel”…

  • How do I display the chat on my entire site and not just one page?

    Please go to Appearance -> Widgets and add Wise Chat Window widget to the sidebar you wish to display the chat in. If the sidebar is visible on all pages then the chat will be too. Most likely menu and footer sidebars are visible across all pages.

  • Can Admin see all the chats?

    Yes, Admin can see both private and public messages. They are available to download as CSV files in Channels tab of Wise Chat Pro settings page.