Did you know, we’ve already released four new types of emoticons in Wise Chat Pro?
You can choose from four different sets of emoticons to share your emotions freely and with fun
If you want to customize your chat with one of our new sets of smileys go to: Wise Chat Pro Settings / emoticons.
Remember you can also configure one of three sizes of an icon.
Now, let us proudly present all four sets we prepared for you:
Here’s the first one we preconfigured as a default setting:
And here’s below the second emoticons theme. This set has the most of smileys to choose from:
Hope you like them, as we do!
Now take a look at an example of set three:
And now the last but not least Let us show you a set number 4:
Hope you like our new release. Enjoy your Pro version and let your chat community share emotions with a wide range of our emojis.
Have fun and await our next blog post.
Your Wise Chat Team