Category: TOP news

  • Great news – creating group chats is ready now

    Great news – creating group chats is ready now

    Hello Wise Chat fans, As you could read here we were busy creating new, important, long-awaited feature ‘group chats’ (channels) . We’re happy to announce that we are ready. This function gives your chat visitors more independency and revives your community. Here’s the main list of features provided for group chats Hope our new development…

  • Wise Chat Pro – a trial version is now available

    Wise Chat Pro – a trial version is now available

    Hello Wise Chat fans, have you already noticed the availability of Wise Chat Pro trial version on our website? We bet you have, as it’s ready for use for some time now We can see how often you use the trial before you purchase the chat. You can easily ask us for the trial version…

  • Black Friday special deals are now ready for you :-)

    Black Friday special deals are now ready for you 🙂

    Hello Wise Chat fans, continuing our annual, good tradition we are announcing Black Friday 🙂 From your messages we know you’ve been waiting for this exciting news. And finally – special Black Friday discounts are now available for you. Starting from now, you can benefit from discount available at Be wise and buy Wise…

  • Watch this! Say ‘hello’ to the video calls feature

    Watch this! Say ‘hello’ to the video calls feature

    Hello Wise Chat users, After we had announced the development of a video calls function we received a large number of emails with the question “when the feature is going to be available”. We won’t keep you waiting any longer 🙂 It’s high time to announce that we are ready with the most interactive and…

  • An exciting sneak peak – watch this!

    An exciting sneak peak – watch this!

    Hello Wise Chat fans, There’s something new on development roadmap to come. It looks like we’re coming close to shout out to you a game changing function for Wise Chat 🙂 Our team is developing a new vibrant function – a video chat. In terms of a channel of a conversation until now you could…

  • Wise Chat Live is now ready to buy and try :-)

    Wise Chat Live is now ready to buy and try 🙂

    Hello Wise Chat fans, Have a successful New Year 🙂 We promised to be back with a ready live chat plugin for you and here we are. Wise Chat Live is now ready to revive your customer service 🙂 Our Wise Chat Live plugin has been developed precisely and carefully. We have done a deep…

  • News of the year! Boost customer service with our support

    News of the year! Boost customer service with our support

    We are about to announce a game-changing function to our Wise Chat Pro. Wait! In fact it’s going to be not only a function but a brand new tool to successfully manage customer service. As a result of numerous requests from our users, we decided to develop a new extension: a live chat. Thanks to…

  • New LIVE development is about to appear…

    New LIVE development is about to appear…

    Hello Wise Chat users, Are you wondering what’s happening in our development department right now? Read more to find out the latest news 🙂 We’re constantly receiving messages from you about functions you would love to use with Wise Chat Pro so… here’s the great news for those many of you who wanted to get…

  • Voice Messages already launched :-)

    Voice Messages already launched 🙂

    Ladies and Gentleman, let’s put the sound on! As we promised, we’re coming back with big news- we’d like to introduce you to brand new functionality in Wise Chat Pro: Voice Messages. It’s one of the most wanted features and this is why we are truly delighted it’s now ready to use. You can use…

  • Emoticons released – enjoy using them :-)

    Emoticons released – enjoy using them 🙂

    Hello, Did you know, we’ve already released four new types of emoticons in Wise Chat Pro? You can choose from four different sets of emoticons to share your emotions freely and with fun If you want to customize your chat with one of our new sets of smileys go to: Wise Chat Pro Settings /…