Watch this! Say ‘hello’ to the video calls feature

Hello Wise Chat users,

After we had announced the development of a video calls function we received a large number of emails with the question “when the feature is going to be available”.

We won’t keep you waiting any longer 🙂 It’s high time to announce that we are ready with the most interactive and innovative function of the year 🙂 Video calls function in Wise Chat Pro has already been released 🙂 We are really excited to deliver this amazing feature that will let you enrich your conversation with live video.

Your community will now be full of live interaction 🙂 Here’s a sneak-peak how it looks when the video is on in Wise Chat Pro:

Video Calls in WordPress

We have designed the function to look and be available in both: a desktop mode and in mobile. Below you’ll find the video on in mobile mode:

Although the function is really intuitive and easy to use, we have prepared a short tutorial for you. You can find it here

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We hope you find the new functionality useful and exciting 🙂 Enjoy it!

Stay tuned,

Your Wise Chat Team



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