Archives: FAQ

  • I want to allow submission of images for specific channel only.

    This is possible starting from Wise Chat Pro 3.6.1. First you need to enable “Create Channels” option for your user role in Channels section of Wise Chat Pro Settings page. Then please navigate to the chat page and add a new channel using plus icon near the channels list: Create either public or private channel.…

  • How to give other users (or user roles) a permission to configure the chat?

    By default Wise Chat Pro Settings page is available to Administrator role only. However, you may need to grant the configuration permission to other user roles or users. All you have to do is add manage_wise_chat_pro_options capability to user role (or user) you want to give configuration permission to. User Role Editor is a plugin…

  • Is there a way to have a different chatroom for each post?

    Yes, it is possible, but requires a little PHP coding and a minimal WordPress knowledge. First, you have to find which post types you wish to handle. A post type that represents regular blog entries is named “post”, for regular pages it is: “page”. For custom post types please ask authors of your theme. Prepare…

  • Can I ask for a refund?

    We would consider a refund if we get a clear proof that you are having issues in our plugin. Right before you purchased Wise Chat Pro, you accepted the fact that we issue refunds only if you prove an error in the plugin. There is a checkbox in the order form on our site that…

  • I have iThemes Security plugin and Wise Chat Pro stopped working. How to fix it?

    The shortest answer would be: Please go to WordPress Dashboard > Security > Settings > Advanced > System Tweaks and uncheck “Disable PHP in Plugins”. Then click Save button. Wise Chat Pro executes PHP files directly in /wp-content/plugins/wise-chat-pro/src/endpoints/ultra directory on your server. It is done strictly for performance because the standard admin-ajax.php endpoint is too…

  • How to adjust the look and feel to match my theme?

    Some part of the appearance may be adjusted on Wise Chat Pro Settings page, but these options are very limited. For much greater flexibility please use CSS. Every part of the chat’s interface has a proper class starting with “wc*”. It may be easily used to adjust the appearance.

  • How to fix “No channels open” message?

    First, please try clearing the cache of your browser including Local Storage (this is crucial). Wise Chat Pro uses cache to store some part of its temporary data. In a very rare cases it requires to be cleared manually. If this does not help please follow these advices depending on your configuration: A single public…

  • Does it run on my server or yours?

    Wise Chat plugins run entirely on your server and use resources on your server only. There is no connection between Wise Chat and our servers. No data is transferred outside your site. Moreover, Wise Chat plugins rely on your database only. All chat messages and users are there.

  • Auto-scrolling does not work. How to fix it?

    Our chat is designed to auto-scroll messages when a new message is posted. This way any new message becomes immediately visible for chatters. However, you may want to read past messages without being auto-scrolled down. We solved it this way: when you scroll up to see past messages the auto-scrolling feature becomes disabled. You can…

  • How to send a message in PHP?

    In order to send a message in your PHP code please use the function below. Here is a version of the same logic, but for an older version of Wise Chat Pro (lower than 3.6):