Development news

  • Wise Chat free – look forward to great improvements

    Wise Chat free – look forward to great improvements

    Hello Wise Chat users, As you may have noticed, we mainly inform you about novelties in our Pro version, however a part of our team is constantly developing new things in another areas of our Wise Chat space. Here’s a preview of our development in Wise Chat – free version. First of all we have…

  • New LIVE development is about to appear…

    New LIVE development is about to appear…

    Hello Wise Chat users, Are you wondering what’s happening in our development department right now? Read more to find out the latest news ๐Ÿ™‚ We’re constantly receiving messages from you about functions you would love to use with Wise Chat Pro so… here’s the great news for those many of you who wanted to get…

  • Voice Messages already launched :-)

    Voice Messages already launched ๐Ÿ™‚

    Ladies and Gentleman, let’s put the sound on! As we promised, we’re coming back with big news- we’d like to introduce you to brand new functionality in Wise Chat Pro: Voice Messages. It’s one of the most wanted features and this is why we are truly delighted it’s now ready to use. You can use…

  • Sound on! A new functionality is coming soon

    Sound on! A new functionality is coming soon

    Hello Wise Chat users, While you are enjoying your Wise Chat plugin, our development is doing their best to refine the idea of a new functionality. As an answer to your requests, we’d love to announce a new feature to Pro version: Voice Messages. We’ll tell you more about potential of this new feature as…

  • Reactions – here’s the news of the season :-)

    Reactions – here’s the news of the season ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hello Wise Chat users, As we promised in the last blog post, our development team have been busy as a bee, preparing a new exciting functionality to Wise Chat Pro. We always do our best for your requests to be answered and here’s the time to proudly announce the new functionality. Reactions – the feature…

  • New release with bug fixes and… news reveal

    New release with bug fixes and… news reveal

    Hello Wise Chat users, Hope you’re enjoying time with Wise Chat Meanwhile, we are here to inform you about a new release of Pro version that includes several bug fixes we’ve been working on recently. New version 3.1.1 is about to be released soon and will enrich Wise Chat Pro with fixes as follow: *…

  • New FAQ activity

    New FAQ activity

    Dear Wise Chat users, Thanks for being here and hope you take all advantages of our Wise Chat. We’re doing our best to provide excellent communication solution right for your business and community. To let you experience the most reliable quality of Wise Chat we update our FAQ page on a regular basis. We’ve recently…

  • Christmas SALE here and now :)

    Christmas SALE here and now ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hello Wise People, Are you ready for the great news of the season? You’d better watch out… Wise Chat Pro is coming to town ๐Ÿ™‚ We’ve just started our special Christmas sale to warm you up this winter. Below you’ll find a direct link, where you can buy Wise Chat Pro with 30% discount. The…

  • Emoticons released – enjoy using them :-)

    Emoticons released – enjoy using them ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hello, Did you know, we’ve already released four new types of emoticons in Wise Chat Pro? You can choose from four different sets of emoticons to share your emotions freely and with fun If you want to customize your chat with one of our new sets of smileys go to: Wise Chat Pro Settings /…

  • Welcome to the blog

    Welcome to the blog

    Warm welcome to all of you – our Wise Chat Pro users. We’re glad you’re here and we’d like you to be a part of our community on our new blog. We are introducing our new blog space where we want to share: our latest development Wise Chat Pro top tips and short guides new…

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