

Here is the detailed changelog of Wise Chat Pro:

Version 3.6 (July 14, 2024)

  • Group chats
  • Adding, editing and searching for channels directly in the chat window

Version 3.5.5 (December 29, 2023)

  • Added option to output the chat in full screen
  • Added: wc_chat_js_configuration hook

Version 3.5.4 (December 5, 2023)

  • Added Gold engine (auto-activated on new setups)
  • Added engines diagnostics
  • Managing the chat’s settings by any user role with ‘manage_wise_chat_pro_option’ capability, admins have this capability by default
  • Improvements to engines
  • Improved responsiveness of the emoticons popup and input area
  • Fixed: missing users counter
  • Fixed: wrapping long lines

Version 3.5.3 (October 14, 2023)

  • Fixed: Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: call_user_func_array(): Argument #1($callback)must be a valid callback, function “_wp_footnotes_kses_init”not found or invalid function name

Version 3.5.2 (September 17, 2023)

  • Added option to auto-remove private messages
  • Fixed: could not delete moderators
  • Fixed: input top location not working
  • Fixed: HTML shortcodes do not work in some localization fields
  • Fixed: issues with inserting Chinese characters on mobile devices (like iPhone)

Version 3.5.1 (August 23, 2023)

  • Added WordPress translations support
  • Added option to output video attachments (mp4 and webm) as video players and sound attachments (mp3 and wav) as sound players
  • Added option to choose images viewer
  • Fixed: restored missing styles
  • Fixed: issue with setting height to YT videos

Version 3.5 (August 18, 2023)

  • Video Calls

Version 3.4.7 (June 26, 2023)

  • Added option to open a private chat by clicking sender’s name in a message
  • Added option to hide users on the users list
  • Fixed: Warning: Undefined array key “channel”
  • Fixed: closable public channel in Grid view
  • Fixed: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant “WP_TEMPLATE_PART_AREA_HEADER”
  • Fixed: Chat does not load in case of some Chinese characters

Version 3.4.6 (May 23, 2023)

  • Added Gutenberg Wise Chat block

Version 3.4.5 (May 16, 2023)

  • Elementor integration
  • Fixed: username length limit on the username auth screen
  • Fixed: enqueue all scripts and styles using wp_enqueue_scripts and admin_enqueue_scripts actions on all pages

Version 3.4.4 (Apr. 4, 2023)

  • Reduced the size of the plugin’s installation file
  • External authentication – full update of the implementation
  • Moved message action buttons to popup triggered by 3-dots button
  • Moved Google fonts to local assets
  • Fixed: translating user roles in the front-end
  • Fixed: scrolling the window behind the chat when using scrollbars in the chat
  • Fixed: PHP 8.1 errors

Version 3.4.3 (Mar. 9, 2023)

  • Styles update: a compact messages style
  • Option to mute the sounds by default
  • Fixed auto-scroll issues

Version 3.4.2 (Feb. 2, 2023)

  • Tenor GIFs integration
  • Loading past messages when scrolled to the end
  • Support of custom user fields in info windows
  • Option to display user custom fields in info windows and channel intros

Version 3.4.1 (Dec. 30, 2022)

  • Fixed: error with WISE_CHAT_PRO_VERSION_LIVE constant

Version 3.4 (Dec. 29, 2022)

  • Classic chat grid view option
  • Username authentication fields
  • Browser modes – full, recent, recent with current
  • Channel intro
  • New messages sound notifications – non-own messages only
  • New messages sound notifications – direct / public chats mode
  • Browser unread messages numbers
  • Fixed: the chat disappears when posting utf8 characters in links

Version 3.3.2 (Nov. 17, 2022)

  • Fixed: emoticons popup overflow
  • Fixed: ‘Missing required fields’ error when inserting an emoji

Version 3.3.1 (Jul. 4, 2022)

  • Fixed: limiting the users list to users set in Access For Roles option or those selected in access_users attribute: [wise-chat access_users="{1,2,3}"]

Version 3.3 (Apr. 27, 2022)

  • Voice messages

Version 3.2.1 (Mar. 1, 2022)

  • Added users counter when the browser is disabled
  • Displaying unread messages counter in FB mobile mode
  • A better cache refresh after updating to new version

Version 3.2 (Feb. 13, 2022)

  • Messages reactions (likes)
  • Option to grant moderation rights to individual users
  • Added support of custom plugins directory
  • Fixed: invalid links displayed when inserting multiple URLs

Version 3.1.1 (Jan. 28, 2022)

  • Fixed: invisible username Save button (FB-like mode)
  • Fixed: missing private messages when no public messages were posted
  • Fixed: auto-scroll when editing or deleting a message
  • Fixed: disappearing chat when using @mentions
  • Fixed: auto-minimize does not work with external auth
  • Fixed: disappearing chat when approving pending messages
  • Fixed: edited message is not refreshed until page refresh
  • Fixed: page scrolls to the top while selecting image or file attachment
  • Fixed: missing the users list when the height of the chat is too small

Version 3.1 (Nov. 27, 2021)

  • Displaying emoticons directly in the text input field
  • Added: 4 themes of emoticons
  • Added: Option to choose the size of built-in emoticons
  • Removed: old legacy emoticons
  • Removed: recent messages support in the input field

Version 3.0.2 (Sep. 14, 2021)

  • Fixed: “No channels open” warning while using multiple instances of the chat

Version 3.0.1 (Aug. 28, 2021)

  • Added: missing translations
  • Added: Multiline Easy Mode option
  • Added: “Chats” Tab Enabled option
  • Fixed: private chat button feature
  • Fixed: missing wc_message_inserted hook
  • Fixed: empty channels list in mobile version
  • Fixed: unicode characters support
  • Fixed: jQuery window load event error
  • Fixed: iPhone zoom error
  • Fixed: error on the BP group chat
  • Fixed: minimize on startup option

Version 3.0 (Jul. 1, 2021)

  • Plugin re-implemented from the scratch, new code
  • Completely new mobile version
  • Refreshed all themes
  • Multiple chat channels in the same window: [wise-chat channel="{Room A, Room B, Room C, Room D}"]
  • Full support of caching / proxy plugins and servers
  • Support of the real 100% height setting
  • Added option to choose the screen side in FB-like mode
  • Deleting own messages option
  • Renamed bans to muted, kicks to bans
  • New custom scrollbars
  • Improved FB-like mode chat windows
  • Added: username highlighting on the users list when becoming online / offline
  • Fixed: error “Function openssl_free_key() is deprecated”
  • Removed: enable_message_actions shortcode option and Enable Admin Actions checkbox in the configuration
  • Removed: Channels Limit option
  • Removed: “Use joined / left the channel” notifications
  • Removed: wc_chat_html hook
  • Removed: Inline Message option
  • Removed: Wise Chat Channel Users widget

Version 2.5.5

  • Fixed: “You are not allowed to send private messages to this user.” error

Version 2.5.4

  • Fixed: Invalid emoticons popup position in body’s relative positioning

Version 2.5.3

  • Fixed: Cannot read property ‘find’ of null

Version 2.5.2

  • Fixed: HTML tags when editing messages
  • Fixed: layout errors in FB mode
  • Fixed: jQuery load() function depreciated warning

Version 2.5.1

  • Internal improvement of the settings page
  • Fixed: 403 error when saving the settings (this was caused by Imunify360 rule #77142267)
  • Fixed: not working users_list_hide_roles shortcode attribute
  • Fixed: error “Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in /wp-content/plugins/wise-chat-pro/src/WiseChatOptions.php”
  • Fixed: PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent in /wp-content/plugins/wise-chat-pro/src/dao/user/WiseChatUserSettingsDAO.php
  • Fixed: Notice: Undefined index: SERVER_ADDR

Version 2.5

  • Custom scrollbars
  • Added option to choose username source field: Display Name, User Login, E-mail, First Name, Last Name, Nickname
  • Added option to delete all messages and users at once
  • Fixed: unauthorized access to private messages when switching between accounts
  • Fixed: narrow window title in FB mode
  • Fixed: Call to a member function setUser() on null

Version 2.4.2

  • Reply-to message option and message swipe gesture
  • Fixed: sending wcUserSettings cookie only if necessary

Version 2.4.1

  • Added option to define an exclusive list of users who have access to the chat, shortcode example: [wise-chat access_users="{1,2,3}"]
  • Fixed: “Call to a member function getId() on null” error when deleting / clearing channels

Version 2.4

  • Switched user session handling to cookies (remembering users for a long time)
  • Performance optimization: reduced PHP session usage to minimum
  • Performance optimization: reduced number of database queries
  • Removed Powered By ad from BuddyPress chat’s management page
  • Added missing translations to BuddyPress chat’s management page
  • E-mail notifications – added option for limitless sending
  • Fixed: rare empty messages when sending image /file attachments
  • Fixed: responsive design issues in FB mode
  • Fixed: post custom emoticons were blurry
  • Fixed: Error: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
  • Fixed: “Minimized By Default” option not working when “Force Username Selection” mode is enabled
  • Fixed: CSV Injection

Version 2.3.2

  • Added hooks
  • Channels backup feature: option to download private messages
  • FB mode: minimize / maximize chat windows on title click
  • Added a new variable to the info window template: {profileLinkInNewWindow}
  • Offline users caching
  • Fixed: > / < characters issues in the users list
  • Fixed: no message when posting emojis (messages table converted from utf8 to utf8mb4)
  • Fixed: error when posting a message: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Empty string supplied as input
  • Fixed: layout issues with percentage height of the chat (especially: 100%)
  • Fixed: {% if allowToReceiveMessages %} errors caused by template processing class
  • Fixed: error with deprecated session.php file

Version 2.3.1

  • Fixed: error with private messages permissions

Version 2.3

  • Private messaging permissions

Version 2.2.3

  • Fixed: recent chats indicator on mobile view

Version 2.2.2

  • Added missing translations

Version 2.2.1

  • E-mail notifications sent to chat users

Version 2.2

  • Upgrade of all themes
  • Improved: Moved Javascript code to the footer

Version 2.1.5

  • Fixed: issue with chat button on own profile in BuddyPress integration

Version 2.1.4

  • Fixed: issues with aliases of custom emoticons

Version 2.1.3

  • Fixed: emoticons layer issues in the FB mode

Version 2.1.2

  • Option to add HTML tags to few messages in the Localization tab

Version 2.1.1

  • Fixed: offline users on BP groups

Version 2.1

  • Spam reporting button
  • Option to adjust date and time format in messages
  • Option to adjust lock time of user names
  • Improved: W3C issues
  • Improved: admin action buttons without direct img elements
  • Fixed: security issue with the external links
  • Fixed: Focus input field after sending the message
  • Fixed: avatar images error when parsing HTML

Version 2.0

  • Moderation – edit messages option
  • Option to edit own messages
  • Users list search box
  • Users list info windows (when mouse pointer enters username on the users list)
  • Private chat button support
  • Facebook API updated to v3.1
  • Fixed: prevent loading all emoticons images if emoticon button is not enabled
  • Fixed: switching between users when offline messages are enabled

Version 1.9.2

  • Fixed: “Argument #1 is not an array” warning in WiseChatRenderer.php file
  • Fixed: “Undefined offset: 0” notice in WiseChatRenderer.php file

Version 1.9.1

  • Option to disable user names duplication check
  • Option to disable private message confirmation dialog
  • Fixed: Twitter authentication “Invalid oauth_verifier parameter” error in cases when multiple instances of the chat are present on the same page
  • Fixed: error restoring private chats on multisite

Version 1.9

  • E-mail notifications
  • Kicking users

Version 1.8

  • A new theme: “Air Flow”
  • “Wise Chat Channel Users” widget for displaying current users
  • Option to set username color for each user role separately
  • Option to set limit to the length of user names
  • Reloading page after sending valid POST forms on Force Username and Channel Password screens

Version 1.7

  • Offline users and offline private messages
  • BuddyPress friends integration

Version 1.6.2

  • Option to disable chat channel window (Facebook-like mode)
  • Option to display title bar above users list (Facebook-like mode)
  • Option to minimize users list (Facebook-like mode)
  • Option to start chat window and users list minimized (Facebook-like mode)

Version 1.6.1

  • Option to add bottom offset for Facebook-like mode
  • Option to enable bottom offset in Facebook-like mode only for narrow screens

Version 1.6

  • Option to add custom emoticons
  • Updated libraries for authentication through Facebook, Twitter and Google

Version 1.5

  • New engine “Ultra Lightweight AJAX” which consumes 5 times less CPU
  • Set validity time on AJAX internal requests (preventing indexation by Web crawlers)
  • Option to verify “X-Requested-With” header in AJAX requests
  • Option to select which parts of a message are effected when user changes text color
  • Option to exclude anonymous users from the counter calculation
  • Option to generate a sound when user is mentioned using @UserName notation
  • Option to display message and username in the same line
  • Better displaying emoticons panel on mobile devices
  • Added 20 new sounds to use in notifications
  • Option to enable a sound notification when user joins or leaves the channel
  • “User has joined/left the channel” notifications
  • Shift+ENTER moves the cursor to the new line in multiline mode, ENTER sends the message
  • Fixed: switched to JSON content type for AJAX requests (this may prevent from indexing raw data by Google)
  • Fixed: jQuery up to version 3.1 is now supported
  • Fixed: unwanted emoticons displayed after double quote
  • Fixed: the plugin cannot be deleted in WordPress 4.6 and above
  • Fixed: invalid encoding of UTF-8 characters in localized texts
  • Fixed: unclickable image upload button on some themes

Version 1.4.3

  • Option to move users list down when Facebook-like mode is enabled
  • Option to pass simple arrays in shortcode, array format: {element1, element2, …, elementN} or {key1: element1, key2: element2, …, keyN: elementN}
  • Fixed: issue with broken menu on Wise Chat Pro settings page, this blocked navigation between settings sections
  • Fixed: issues with setting background colors

Version 1.4.2

  • Option to enable / disable displaying errors to chat users

Version 1.4.1

  • Fixed: bug of multiple channels on the same page

Version 1.4

  • Sidebar mode (Facebook-like chat mode)

Version 1.3.2

  • Fixed: bug when PHP EXIF module is missing

Version 1.3.1

  • Pending messages features – manual approval of messages
  • shortcode displaying a button that allows to export all messages from a channel to CSV file
  • write-only mode option (available only in shortcode)
  • Fixed: bug of integration with BuddyPress 2.6 and greater

Version 1.3

  • Emoticons layer expands to the top
  • Three new emoticon sets
  • Shift+ENTER moves to the new line in message input field (when multiline mode is not enabled)
  • Allow to use wide range of letters (Unicode characters) in username
  • Option to select which user roles have to be hidden in the users list
  • Debug mode option (easier to report errors)
  • Better navigation between private messages on narrow devices
  • Better Clear theme appearance on narrow devices
  • User list toggle button on narrow devices
  • Fixed: /whois command does not accept usernames with spaces, now such names can be typed in double quotes

Version 1.2.2

  • Fixed: Charset issues on button labels

Version 1.2.1

  • Fixed: Usernames Mode option stopped working

Version 1.2

  • Flexible controls on narrow screens
  • Fixed: missing vertical scrollbar on the users list
  • Fixed: disappearing private conversations after page refresh
  • Major code refactoring (client side)

Version 1.1.1

  • BuddyPress integration – translations for labels on group’s Manage page
  • BuddyPress integration – safety warning for disabled groups support

Version 1.1

  • BuddyPress integration (displaying chat in BP group and chat moderation rights for admins and mods)
  • Clickable usernames on the users list
  • Additional filter that allows to filter outgoing links
  • Option to give access to the chat for specific user roles only
  • Option to hide anonymous users on the users list
  • Option to make the chat read-only for selected user roles
  • Option to give ban and/or delete permissions to each user role separately
  • Messages timestamp split to two spans – date and time
  • Improved safety during deletion of images uploaded by the chat
  • Option to auto-hide users list on the narrow screens
  • Fixed: word wrapping of long messages
  • Fixed: disappearing avatars
  • Fixed: resetting to anonymous user after certain idle time (on mobile)
  • Fixed: images uploader error on Multisite installation

Version 1.0

  • All the features of free Wise Chat 2.1
  • External authentication via Facebook, Google+ and Twitter
  • Avatars support
  • Private messages between users
  • Multisite compatibility
  • Three PRO themes