Yes, it is possible, but requires a little PHP coding and a minimal WordPress knowledge. First, you have to find which post types you wish to handle. A post type that represents regular blog entries is named “post”, for regular pages it is: “page”. For custom post types please ask authors of your theme. Prepare a list of such post types and add this code to theme’s functions.php file:
define('WISE_CHAT_POST_TYPES', ['post']);
add_filter('the_content', function ($content) {
global $post;
if (!$post instanceof WP_Post) {
return $content;
if (in_array($post->post_type, WISE_CHAT_POST_TYPES)) {
$channel = ucfirst($post->post_type).' channel #'.$post->ID;
$windowTitle = $post->post_title;
return $content . sprintf('[wise-chat channel="%s" window_title="%s"]', $channel, htmlentities($windowTitle));
return $content;
Populate WISE_CHAT_POST_TYPES constant with any post type you want, e.g.: [‘post’, ‘page’, ‘books’, ‘companies’], etc. This will output the chat under every single post as configured in WISE_CHAT_POST_TYPES. Each post will have its own dedicated public channel accessible to anyone who visits the post.